With a couple of related experiments at LF and MF. Send any corrections and additions to vlf1611@abelian.org
Referring to the spectrum below 10kHz, Roger Lapthorn G3XBM wrote (RSGB Radio Communication, April 1975):
" Amateurs should not ignore its potential as an area for experimental work requiring little equipment to get started and presenting a subject with a difference to work on"
Interested in getting involved? Sign up to the VLF_group on groups.io, https://groups.io/g/VLF. The group covers natural radio (whistlers, aurora, etc) but is also the main forum for amateur radio transmitting and receiving.
From | To | Frequency Hz |
QRB km | Chars | Notes |
2025-03-14 | VO1NA | F5WK | 8270.000277 | 4038.5 | First transatlantic VLF detection in France. Carrier detection in 4 hour integration. https://groups.io/g/VLF/message/31798 | |
2024-06-06 | DL3JMM | vlf | 5270.03 | 1079.2 | 7 | Final message in 57km band to Todmorden, 'TU PAUL' by 8K19A 10 second symbols, Eb/N0 +6.0 dB. https://groups.io/g/VLF/message/31205 |
2024-06-05 | DF6NM | Todmorden UK | 8270.0025 | 1028.4 | 3 | Final EbNaut into Todmorden in 36km band. 8K19A with 15 second symbols, the message 'BYE' at Eb/N0 +1.3 dB. https://groups.io/g/VLF/message/31199 |
2023-05-07 | DL7NN | DL3JMM/A | 95.001 | 26 | Carrier detection via triangular loop (side length 4m), S/N 25dB in 2.8 mHz. http://abelian.org/tmp/ZEVS_95Hz_07.05.23_01.JPG | |
2023-02-05 | DL3JMM | ILDN/Prayagraj | 5170.03 | 6379 | 5 | New distance record for message decode in 58km band. EbNaut 8K19A with 30 second symbols. Eb/N0=-0.9db, improved to +2.5dB during next three nights. https://groups.io/g/VLF/message/29746 https://groups.io/g/VLF/message/29753 https://groups.io/g/VLF/message/29759 |
2023-02-03 | DL3JMM | ILDN/Kolkata | 5170.03 | 7067 | Record distance for carrier detection in 58km band. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/230203a.png http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/230203b.png https://groups.io/g/VLF/message/29733 https://groups.io/g/VLF/message/29734 | |
2023-01-16 | DL3JMM | N4VLF | 8270.03 | 7033 | 5 | New distance record for east-to-west. 300W into large ground loop antenna. Ebnaut 8K19A, 30 second symbols, Eb/N0 +0.7dB. https://groups.io/g/VLF/message/29667 |
2023-01-04 | EA4GHB | DL0A0 | 8270.0075 | 1524 | 3 | EbNaut 8K19A 30 second symbols, Eb/N0 0.0dB. First EbNaut from Spain. https://groups.io/g/VLF/message/29619 |
2022-12-18 | EA4GHB | Todmorden UK | 8270.0075 | 1432 | Carrier detection, 13nV/m, -24.2dB in 1Hz. TX 60V putting 450mA into 350m ground loop antenna over dry sandy soil, oriented 355/175. First VLF and sub-9kHz out of Spain. First Spain to UK. https://groups.io/g/VLF/message/29511 https://groups.io/g/VLF/message/29536 http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/EA4GHB-todmorden.png | |
2022-12-06 | DL3JMM | ILDN/Tirunelveli | 8270.03 | 7493 | 4 | New world distance record for sub-9kHz. EbNaut 8K19A, 30 second symbols. Eb/N0 -0.6 dB via the Indian Lightning Detection Network receiver at Tirunelveli. DL3JMM with approx 300W into large ground loop antenna. Also decoded at ILDN/Prayagraj 6379 km with Eb/N0 +5.1 dB. |
2022-11-30 | DL3JMM | ILDN/Gulmarg | 8270.03 | 5200 | 4 | EbNaut 8K19A, 30 second symbols. Eb/N0 +5.9dB via the Indian Lightning Detection Network receiver at Gulmarg Observatory, measuring 194nV/m field strength. Record land path. First amateur VLF into Indian subcontinent, first Germany to Jammu & Kashmir. DL3JMM with approx 300W into large ground loop antenna. |
2022-10-29 | DL0HOT | DL0A0 | 227.005 | 164 | 4 | EbNaut 16K25A, 14 second symbols. Single message (no stacking) decode. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/dl0ao_227Hz_221028_0700_result.png https://groups.io/g/VLF/message/29364 |
2022-10-26 | DL0HOT | DL0A0 | 227.005 | 164 | Carrier detection after 104 hours of integration, 18.5dB in 2.67uHz. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/DL0HOT-DL0AO_227Hz_221021-26.png https://groups.io/g/VLF/message/29358 | |
2022-05-17 | DL0HOT | DK7FC | 470.005 | 324 | 12 | Record distance at 470Hz. TX 1320m ground dipole . EbNaut 16K23A 12 chars 10 second symbols, Eb/N0 +9.4dB. https://groups.io/g/VLF/message/28722 |
2022-04-28 | DL3JMM | SQ5BPF | 1670.03 | 575.5 | Distance record for carrier detection in 180km band. 5.2 std dev from mean of 10 x 2.4 hour integrations (115.74uHz). Tx 4.5A into 500m ground dipole. Rx E-field probe. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/220430a.png https://groups.io/g/VLF/message/28624 | |
2022-04-20 | DL3JMM | Todmorden UK | 2970.03 | 1080.6 | 6 | Distance record for signal detection and message decode in 101km band. 450m earth dipole antenna for tx. Eb/N0 +7.0 dB. Also received by F5WK (782km) for first Germany to France at 2970Hz and by IK1QFK (768km) for first Germany to Italy at 2970Hz. https://groups.io/g/VLF/message/28552 https://groups.io/g/VLF/message/28554 |
2022-04-15 | DL3JMM | DL0A0 | 5170.03 | 168 | First SID detection using amateur radio VLF signal. M-class Xray events visible in amplitude and phase of EbNaut signal at 10:30 and 13:50. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/dl3jmm_dl0ao_5k17_220415-16.png https://www.spaceweatherlive.com/en/archive/2022/04/15/xray.html https://groups.io/g/VLF/message/28530 | |
2022-02-16 | F5VLB | DL0A0 | 8270.00625 | 1104.8 | First VLF detection France to Germany. French distance record at VLF. S/N 13.0dB in 46.3uHz. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/f5vlb_dl0ao_220216.png https://groups.io/g/VLF/message/28278 | |
2022-02-05 | F5VLB | Todmorden UK | 8270.035 | 577.6 | Carrier detection at 5.5nV/m after 4 days, 13.8dB in 2.86 uHz. Tx 32V x 160mA into 75m ground loop 165/345 deg. Estimated 40nW ERP. First amateur VLF signal out of France. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/220205a.png | |
2021-10-15 | DL3JMM | DK7FC | 970.03 | 344 | 10 | Distance record for message decode at 970Hz, EbNaut 16K25A CRC15 with 9 second symbols, Eb/N0 = +0.2dB after three repeats stacked. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/DL3JMM_to_DK7FC_970Hz_10char_EbNaut_16K25A.png |
2021-09-28 | DL3JMM | DK7FC | 970.03 | 344 | Distance record for carrier detection at 970Hz, best reception E-field 18.39dB in 12.8uHz. Also received clearly at DL0A0 (172km) in 424uHz. | |
2021-08-31 | DL3JMM | DL0AO | 4025-8275 | 172 | Ionosphere sounding, 4025 Hz to 8275 Hz in 50 Hz steps of 20 seconds. TX group delay estimated 0.1mS. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/staircase_VLF3.png | |
2021-08-21 | DL3JMM | DK7FC | 1670.03 | 344 | Distance record for 180km band carrier detection, 21:00-03:00 carrier S/N 28dB in 46.9uHz. | |
2021-06-16 | OK2BVG | Todmorden UK | 8271.000 | 1417 | 3 | First EbNaut Czech Republic to UK. 8K19A 3 chars 12 second symbols, Eb/N0 +2.4dB, -22.28 dB in 1Hz. TX 100W, 550mA. Also first to Italy IZ7SLZ +2.0dB. https://groups.io/g/VLF/message/27673 https://groups.io/g/VLF/message/27677 |
2021-05-12 | DK7FC/P | DL7NN | 1970.005 | 379 | 5 | Distance record for 152km band. EbNaut 16K23A 5 chars 6 second symbols, tx 2.75 A into 1130m ground dipole, rx 3-axis, Eb/N0 +2.0dB, S/N -21.6dB in 1Hz. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/DK7FC_DL7NN_1970.png |
2021-01-31 | DK7FC/P | DK7FC | 176.5 | 57.6 | 5 | EbNaut 16K23A stacked two (Jan 19, Jan 31) 127 minute transmissions, 7 second symbols, Eb/N0 +0.5dB, tx 460W 3A into 1130m ground dipole. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/EbNaut_5chars_176.5Hz_57.6km.png |
2021-01-08 | DK7FC/P | DK7FC | 221.5 | 57.6 | 5 | EbNaut 16K23A 7 second symbols, two transmissions (Jan 02, Jan 08) stacked, EbNaut -0.4dB, tx 390W 2.3A 1130m ground dipole. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/EbNaut_5chars_221.5Hz_57.6km.png |
2021-01-06 | VO1NA | DK7FC | 8271 | 4369 | 50 | Record transatlantic message length, 50 chars EbNaut 16K21A 6 second symbols, 18 transmissions stacked to reach Eb/N0 +0.31 dB. (10uW ERP, not 10mW as ARRL incorrectly reports). http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/vo1na_dk7fc_ebnaut_stack.png |
2020-09-30 | DL0HOT | DL0A0 | 8273.0 | 164 | First FST4W-1800 on VLF. '2020-09-30 20:00 DL0HOT 0.008273 -26 0 JO60it 0.005 DL0AO-1800 JN59vk 166 203' | |
2020-09-04 | RN3AUS/A | Todmorden UK | 8270.005 | 2450 | 3 | First VLF transmission Russia to UK. EbNaut 3 chars 16K21A 30 second symbols. Eb/N0 +1.3dB, decoded on 2020-10-18. https://groups.io/g/VLF/message/27187 https://groups.io/g/VLF/message/27279 https://groups.io/g/VLF/message/27280 |
2020-08-22 | RN3AUS/A | DK7FC/P | 8270.005 | 2040 | 2 | First EbNaut transmission from Russia. Rank 11967 Eb/N0 -0.9 dB. Ground dipole antenna for transmission. Also decoded at DL0A0 1800km with rank 19924 Eb/N0 +0.14 dB. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/CQ_de_RN3AUS-ebnaut.png http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/rn3aus_dl0ao_NEcardioid.png |
2020-04-07 | DK7FC/P | Todmorden UK | 5170.005 | 840 | Carrier detection QRP 0.25W from tablet computer loudspeaker driver into 1130m ground loop. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/200408b.gif | |
2020-04-05 | DK7FC/P | Todmorden UK | 8270.005 | 840 | 9 | EbNaut 9 chars 16K21A symbols 20 seconds CRC16, QRP 0.6W into 1130m ground loop from tablet computer. Eb/N0 +1.5dB. |
2020-04-04 | DK7FC/P | Todmorden UK | 8270.005 | 840 | Carrier detection QRP 0.6W from tablet computer loudspeaker driver into 1130m ground loop. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/200404b.png | |
2020-03-09 | DF6NM | DL0A0 | 8270.0 | 53 | First successful use of WSPR at VLF, 10uW ERP WSPR-15. | |
2020-03-09 | DK7FC/P | DL0A0 | 8270 | 283 | Distance record for WSPR at VLF. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/WSPR-15_DK7FC_p_DL0AO.png | |
2020-02-01 | IW4DXW | Todmorden UK | 8269.9975 | 1412.6 | Record distance for carrier detection with QRP transmtter. TX 5W, ERP 300nW, 15.9 dB in 2.3 uHz. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/200201a.png | |
2020-01-17 | DK1IS | Todmorden UK | 8270.001 | 1071 | Daytime carrier detection of QRP transmission, TX 5.4W, ERP 200nW, 13.9 dB in 15.4 uHz. Tx ant Marconi-T 4x33m at 13m height, C=660pF. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/200126f.png | |
2019-12-27 | DK7FC/P | N4VLF | 8270.005 | 6768 | Record distance for carrier detection at 8270Hz on East to West path. Tx using 1130m ground loop, 1.75A current, 350W. Also received by W1VD at similar S/N. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/dk7fc-191227.png http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/W1VD_DK7FC_8270spec.png | |
2019-12-22 | DK7FC/P | DL0AO | 1970.1 | 283 | 5 | Distance record for 152km band. EbNaut 16K21A with 6 second symbols, CRC20. Eb/N0 +2.9dB. Transmit using 1130m gound loop, 2A loop current, 390W. |
2019-04-06 | DK7FC/P | SQ5BPF | 2970.1 | 975 | 7 | Distance record for message decode at ULF. First ULF message Germany to Poland. EbNaut 16K21A CRC16 7 chars 6 second symbols. Eb/N0 -0.4dB, BER 42.5%, list decoder rank 14143. Transmit using 2.44A into 1130m ground loop, 487 W TX power. https://klubnl.pl/wpr/en/index.php/2019/04/11/ulf-2970hz-record/ |
2019-04-06 | DK7FC/P | Todmorden UK | 2970.1 | 840 | 7 | First ULF message Germany to UK. EbNaut 16K21A CRC16 7 chars 6 second symbols. Eb/N0 +1.0dB, BER 39.1%. Transmit using 2.44A into 1130m ground loop, 487 W TX power. |
2019-03-02 | SQ2BXI+ SQ5BPF/P | Todmorden UK | 8270.00073 | 1343 | 2 | First amateur VLF transmission out of Poland. Record distance from earth dipole antenna. EbNaut 8K19A CRC16 10 second symbols, Eb/N0 -1.5 dB. 100W to an earth dipole antenna at Gdynia. https://klubnl.pl/wpr/en/index.php/2019/03/03/nadawcze-proby-z-dipolem-ziemnym-w-zakresie-vlf/ |
2019-02-17 | DK7FC | 22.97 | 3.5 | 100 | EbNaut 8K19A 60 second symbols CRC8 Eb/N0 +1.2dB. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/100char_ebNaut_ELF_23Hz.png | |
2019-02-12 | DK7FC | 22.97 | 3.5 | 12 | EbNaut 16K21A 30 second symbols CRC16 Eb/N0 +2.1dB. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/12char_EbNaut_ELF_23Hz.png | |
2018-11-26 | DK7FC | 80.005 | 3.5 | 45 | 16K21A 10 second symbols CRC16 Eb/N0 +6.7dB. ERP 2e-14 W from 5kV on antenna. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/45ch_80Hz.png | |
2018-11-06 | DK7FC | 270.01 | 3.5 | 30 | 8K19A 3 second symbols CRC10 Eb/N0 9.8 dB. Approx 6pW ERP. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/30ch_EbNaut_270Hz.png | |
2018-10-28 | DK7FC/P | DK7FC | 829.9 | 57.6 | 4 | 16k21A CRC18 10 second symbols Eb/N0 +1.5 dB. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/4ch_EbNaut_830Hz.png |
2018-10-21 | DK7FC | 970.1 | 57.6 | 5 | 16K21A 10 second symbols CRC18 Eb/N0 +2.6 dB. | |
2018-09-29 | DK7FC | 970.1 | 55.6 | Carrier detection 13.03dB S/N in 139.5 uHz. First far field detection at 970Hz. | ||
2018-09-10 | DK7FC | Moonah Tasmania | 17470.1 | 16805 | 2 | Record distance for VLF message decode. EbNaut 16K21A, 15 second symbols, CRC20, 2 character2, Eb/N0 -0.8 dB, BER 45.1%. List rank 118919. Two days stacked. Info rate 1.65 bits per hour. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/edgar-180913.png |
2018-07-22 | DF6NM | DL0A0 | 137780 | 48 | 4 | Ultra QRP 25nW ERP, transmitting from ferrite rod antenna. EbNaut 8K19A CRC16, 4 second symbols. Eb/N0=4.8dB. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/dl0ao_07220844_result.png |
2018-04-06 | DK7FC | Moonah Tasmania | 17470.1 | 16805 | 1 | Record distance for VLF message decode. EbNaut 16K21A, 15 second symbols, CRC16, 1 character, Eb/N0 +0.8 dB, BER 42.7%. |
2018-04-04 | DK7FC | Moonah Tasmania | 17470.1 | 16805 | Record distance for carrier detection at VLF. 12 daily repeats, 19:20 to 21:50 UT for 30 hours total. 14.13 dB in 111.1 uHz. ERP between 2mW and 4mW. | |
2018-03-30 | K3RWR | IZ7SLZ | 137490 | 7612 | 12 | Record distance for EbNaut decode. 12 chars 8K19A CRC15, 2 second symbols. Eb/N0 -0.4 dB, S/N -14.3 dB in 1Hz. |
2018-03-26 | K3RWR | DK7FC | 137395 | 6736 | 30 | 30 chars 8K19A CRC18 with 2 second symbols. Eb/N0 +4.0 dB. |
2018-03-26 | K3RWR | IW4DXW | 137395 | 7031 | 30 | Record distance for EbNaut at LF. 30 chars CRC18 with 2 second symbols. Eb/N0 +5.4 dB. |
2018-03-24 | K3RWR | DF6NM | 137395 | 6736 | 5 | Record distance for EbNaut at LF. 5 chars 8K19A CRC24 3 second symbols. Several overnight decodes. Best Eb/N0 11.9 dB. |
2018-02-23 | DK7FC | W1VD | 8270.1 | 6096 | 2 | Record message length E/W transatlantic: 2 characters EbNaut 16K21A 30 second symbols CRC22. Three nights stacked to produce Eb/N0 = 0.62 dB. |
2018-02-19 | DK7FC | W1VD | 8270.1 | 6096 | 1 | First E/W transatlantic reception and message decode below 9kHz. Single character EbNaut 16K21A with 32 second symbols and CRC 24. Eb/N0 +2.5 dB rank 31465. |
2018-02-07 | DK7FC | 970.0025 | 40.5 | 5 | Record distance for message decode at ULF. EbNaut 16K21A, 80 second symbols, CRC17, Eb/N0=+0.5dB, coherent stacking of two repeats. 18nW ERP. http://www.iup.uni-heidelberg.de/schaefer_vlf/ULF/40km/5ch970Hz40km.png | |
2018-02-03 | DK7FC | 970.005 | 40.5 | Record distance for carrier detection at ULF. ERP 18nW. http://k7fry.com/grid/?qth=JN49BK33UG&from=jn49ik00wd http://www.iup.uni-heidelberg.de/schaefer_vlf/ULF/40km/TR3_Endversion.png | ||
2018-01-19 | DK7FC | IK1QFK | 4470.1 | 505 | 2 | First message decode Germany to Italy at 67km band. Eb/N0 +5.0 dB. |
2018-01-19 | DK7FC | Todmorden UK | 4470.1 | 881 | 2 | Distance record for message decode at 67km band. 2 chars EbNaut 16K23A with 30 second symbols. Eb/N0 +3.8 dB. |
2018-01-15 | DK7FC | RN3AUS | 5170.1 | 1985.6 | 12 | Record message length from Germany to Russia on 58km band. 12 chars EbNaut 16K21A CRC20 30 second symbols. Stacked 17 overnight repeats to obtain Eb/N0 -0.27 dB. |
2018-01-05 | W4DEX | DL0AO | 8269.9 | 7257.9 | 3 | New world record distance for message decoding in the 36km band. Six nightly repeats stacked to give Eb/N0 -1.9 dB on the 3 char 16K21A EbNaut with 30 second symbols and CRC 20. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/w4dex_dl0ao_27_28_29_30_31_2_hidden.png |
2018-01-04 | VO1NA | Hawley, Texas | 8270.0075 | 4240.3 | 1 | New distance record for 36km band message decode in North America. New world record distance for message decode over land path. EbNaut 16K21A 1 char 60 second symbols CRC 8, with 7 repeats stacked to give a decode at Eb/N0 -0.7 dB. |
2017-12-31 | DK7FC | IK1QFK | 5170.1 | 504.6 | 12 | Record message length Germany to Italy on 58km band. EbNaut 12 chars, 16K21A, Eb/N0 -0.1 dB with two repeats stacked. |
2017-12-28 | VO1NA | N4VLF | 8270.0075 | 2415.3 | 1 | First VLF message decode Canada to USA. 1 char EbNaut 16K21A CRC8 60 second symbols. Eb/N0 = -0.1 dB. New distance record for North America. |
2017-12-27 | W4DEX | Hawley, Texas | 8269.9 | 1816.2 | 3 | Record distance in North America for VLF message decode. Eb/N0 +5.7 dB. |
2017-12-27 | W4DEX | IK1QFK | 8269.9 | 7173.4 | 3 | New world record distance for message decode at VLF. 3 characters by EbNaut 16K21A CRC20 30 second symbols. Eb/N0 +0.4 dB. World record distance for EbNaut at all bands. |
2017-12-26 | VO1NA | RN3AUS | 8270.0075 | 5810.5 | 1 | First VLF message decode Canada to Russia. 1 char EbNaut 16K21A CRC8 60 second symbols. Eb/N0 = 5.36 dB with two repeats of the message stacked. |
2017-12-26 | W4DEX | Todmorden UK | 8269.0 | 6194.2 | 42 | Record T/A message length 42 characters EbNaut 16K25A CRC16 7.5 second symbols 22:15 to 07:59 Eb/N0=+0.1dB, info rate 24.6 bits per hour. https://klubnl.pl/rsgb_lf_group-archives/html/rsgb_lf_group/2017-12/msg00380.html |
2017-12-25 | DK7FC | SQ5BPF | 5170.1 | 919.3 | 3 | First message Germany to Poland on 58km band. EbNaut 16K21A CRC11 60 second symbols 3 chars. Eb/N0=+2.2dB. |
2017-12-24 | DK7FC | IK1QFK | 5170.1 | 504.6 | 3 | First message Germany to Italy on 58km band. EbNaut 16K21A CRC11 60 second symbols 3 chars. Eb/N0=+5.0dB. |
2017-12-23 | VO1NA | IK1QFK | 8270.0075 | 4533.4 | 1 | First VLF message Canada to Italy, EbNaut 16K21A 1 character 60 second symbols Eb/N0=+1.6dB. |
2017-12-22 | VO1NA | DL4YHF | 8270.0075 | 4301.5 | 1 | First VLF message Canada to Germany, EbNaut 16K21A 1 character 60 second symbols Eb/N0=+4.7dB. |
2017-12-22 | VO1NA | SQ5BPF | 8270.0075 | 5096.6 | 1 | First VLF message Canada to Poland, EbNaut 16K21A 1 character 60 second symbols Eb/N0=+1.0dB. |
2017-12-14 | IW4DXW | Todmorden UK | 8270.00332 | 1412.6 | 3 | First Italy to UK VLF message, EbNaut 16K21A 3 chars 30 second symbols Eb/N0=+1.8 dB. |
2017-12-10 | DK7FC | N4VLF | 17470.1 | 6817.7 | 1 | First transatlantic VLF signal east to west. World record distance for message decode. EbNaut 16K21A, 1 character, 60 second symbols, CRC 10 bits. Eb/N0 = +1.5 dB, rank 9 in the list decoder. |
2017-12-02 | DK7FC | EA5DOM | 17470.1 | 1391.4 | First VLF detection DL to EA and distance record at this band. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/EA5DOM_171202.jpg | |
2017-11-24 | DK7FC | RC4HAA | 8270.1 | 2877 | 5 | New longest message at 8270Hz over 2877 km land path. 5 chars EbNaut 16K21A 45 second symbols CRC16. Eb/N0 = 0.0 dB after 4 overnight repeats stacked. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/171124a.png |
2017-11-14 | DK7FC | Todmorden UK | 8270.1 | 881 | 300 | Longest message at VLF. EbNaut 300 chars 4K19A, 6 second symbols, CRC16. Two overnight transmissions stacked to give Eb/N0 = +1.7dB, BER 21.4%. Averaged 70 info bits per hour. https://klubnl.pl/rsgb_lf_group-archives/html/rsgb_lf_group/2017-11/msg00108.html |
2017-11-06 | DK7FC | RC4HAA | 8270.1 | 2877 | 1 | EbNaut 1 char 8K19A CRC6 symbols 180 seconds, Eb/N0 5.4 dB. Record distance for land path sub-9kHz. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/171106b.png |
2017-11-06 | VO1NA | Todmorden UK | 8270.0075 | 3575.5 | 5 | Longest T/A message sub-9kHz CA to UK. 10uW ERP. EbNaut 5 chars 8K19A CRC16 symbols 26 seconds, Eb/N0=+1.8 dB. |
2017-11-03 | DK7FC | Todmorden UK | 5170.1 | 881 | 100 | Longest message at 58km band. EbNaut 100 chars 8K21A with 8 second symbols. Five nightly transmissions stacked to give Eb/N0 = -0.2dB, BER 32.7%. |
2017-10-23 | DK7FC | RN3AUS | 5170.1 | 1985.6 | 1 | Distance record for 5170 Hz and message decode. EbNaut 8K19A 1 char CRC6 180 second symbols, Eb/N0=2.6dB. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/171023-dk7fc-rn3aus.png Four transmissions stacked gave 4.5 dB. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/171025-dk7fc-rn3aus.png |
2017-10-23 | VO1NA | Todmorden UK | 8270.0075 | 3575.5 | 3 | First message sub-9kHz CA to UK. 10uW ERP. EbNaut 3 chars 8K25A CRC16 symbols 55 seconds, Eb/N0=+3.0 dB. http://www.arrl.org/news/tiny-lf-signal-makes-the-hop-from-newfoundland-to-the-uk |
2017-10-18 | DK7FC | RN3AUS | 6470.1 | 1985.6 | 16 | EbNaut 16 characters 16K21A CRC19 symbols 20 seconds, 11 transmissions stacked to give Eb/N0 -0.35 dB, BER 39.4%. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/171018-dk7fc-rn3aus.png |
2017-08-23 | DK7FC | DL0AO | 4470.005 | 226 | 5 | EbNaut decode 5 chars 16K21A CRC6 60 second symbols Eb/N0=0.3dB. https://klubnl.pl/rsgb_lf_group-archives/html/rsgb_lf_group/2017-08/msg00128.html |
2017-08-21 | DK7FC | Todmorden UK | 4470.005 | 881 | Carrier detection distance record, S/N 14dB in 23.1 uHz after 48 hour integration. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/170821b.gif https://klubnl.pl/rsgb_lf_group-archives/html/rsgb_lf_group/2017-08/msg00126.html | |
2017-08-20 | DK7FC | DL0AO | 4470.005 | 226 | First amateur operation at this frequency. Carrier detection distance record, https://klubnl.pl/rsgb_lf_group-archives/html/rsgb_lf_group/2017-08/msg00093.html | |
2017-08-12 | DK7FC | DL0AO | 3675.005 | 226 | 3 | First amateur operation at this frequency. Carrier detection and EbNaut decode 3 chars 16K21A CRC7 Eb/N0=-0.5dB. https://klubnl.pl/rsgb_lf_group-archives/html/rsgb_lf_group/2017-08/msg00061.html |
2017-06-10 | DK7FC | Todmorden UK | 6470.1 | 881 | 100 | Longest message at 6470Hz, EbNaut 100 chars 8K21A S=20 CRC=8, Eb/N0 = -1.1 dB. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/170612a.png |
2017-05-25 | DK7FC | Todmorden UK | 8270.1 | 881 | 160 | Longest EbNaut message at VLF, 160 chars 8K21A S=10 CRC=10, Eb/N0 = +0.6 dB. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/170525e.png |
2017-05-18 | DK7FC | 970 | 27.2 | 5 | Distance record for 970 Hz and message decode. EbNaut 5 chars 16K21A CRC=4 100 second symbols, Eb/N0=2.1 dB, -71.2dB in 2.5 kHz. | |
2017-05-08 | VO1NA | Todmorden UK | 8270.0070625 | 3575.5 | First T/A from CA to UK carrier detection. 10uW ERP, S/N 13.9 dB in 46.296 uHz. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/170508e.gif | |
2017-05-07 | DK7FC | Todmorden UK | 6470.1 | 881 | 75 | Longest EbNaut message at 6470, 75 chars 8K19A S=15 CRC=2, Eb/N0 = +0.8 dB. |
2017-05-05 | DK7FC | Todmorden UK | 8270.1 | 881 | 100 | Longest EbNaut message at VLF, 100 chars 8K19A S=10 CRC=0. Eb/N0 = +0.2 dB. |
2017-04-28 | DK7FC DF6NM | DL0AO | 8270.005 8270.00513889 | Combining coherent signals from two stations to produce a rotating beam. | ||
2017-04-21 | DK7FC | 970 | 14.4 | Distance record for 970 Hz. S/N peak 18dB in 424uHz. https://klubnl.pl/rsgb_lf_group-archives/html/rsgb_lf_group/2017-04/msg00308.html | ||
2017-04-19 | DK7FC | SQ5BPF | 6470.1 | 919.3 | 2 | 2 character message, 16K21, 30 second symbols Eb/N0 = 1.6 dB, new distance record at 6470 for EbNaut. |
2017-04-19 | DK7FC | Todmorden UK | 6470.1 | 881 | 40 | 40 character message using 16K25A, 4 second symbols Eb/N0 = 0.0 dB. Longest message at 6470 Hz. |
2017-04-08 | DK7FC | Todmorden UK | 8270.1 | 881 | 85 | Longest EbNaut message at VLF. 85 chars Eb/N0 +0.8 dB. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/170409a.gif |
2017-04-03 | DK7FC | 970 | 7.2 | First experiments on 970 Hz. 7.2 km S/N 30dB in 424 uHz. https://klubnl.pl/rsgb_lf_group-archives/html/rsgb_lf_group/2017-04/msg00016.html | ||
2017-03-23 | DK7FC | RN3AUS | 6470.1 | 1985.6 | 2 | Distance record for message decode at 6470 Hz. 2 chars 16K21A S=40 CRC=32, Eb/N0 = +0.4 dB. |
2017-03-12 | DF6NM | Todmorden UK | 5170.0025 | 1028.4 | Distance record for fixed antenna at 5170Hz. 11.2dB in 55.5uHz from about 1uW ERP. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/170312a.gif | |
2017-03-11 | DK7FC | Todmorden UK | 2970.000081 | 881 | Distance record for carrier detection at 2970. 13:00 to 00:00 with 9 days stacked to give 14.0 dB S/N in 25.25 uHz. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/170326b.png | |
2017-02-10 | DK7FC | RN3AUS | 8270.1 | 1990 | 2 | First VLF message, Germany to Russia. 30 seconds 16K21A 32 bit CRC 2 chars Eb/N0 = +1.13dB. |
2017-01-28 | DK7FC | RN3AUS | 8270.005 | 1985.6 | First VLF detection, Germany to Russia. https://klubnl.pl/rsgb_lf_group-archives/html/rsgb_lf_group/2017-01/msg00273.html | |
2017-01-25 | DK7FC | DL4YHF | 2970.000 | 303.8 | 5 | 5 chars EbNaut 16K25A Eb/N0 +4.5 dB |
2017-01-24 | DK7FC | DL4YHF | 2970.000 | 303.8 | 3 | ULF distance record for decode, 3 chars 16K25A +2.4dB. |
2017-01-21 | DK7FC | DL4YHF | 2970.000 | 303.8 | Distance record for ULF signal detection. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/170121a.png | |
2016-12-31 | IW4DXW | VO1NA | 137485.0006 | 4865.0 | 8 | LF east-to-west distance record for EbNaut. 8 chars 8K19A 2 second symbols, Eb/N0 = -0.3dB |
2016-08-16 | VO1NA | DK7FC | 137477 | 4419.8 | 155 | Record EbNaut message length. 155 chars. 4K19A 0.2 second symbols. Eb/N0 +3.6 dB. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/160818.png |
2016-03-03 | VO1NA | IZ7SLZ | 477700.0000 | 5418.2 | 10 | MF distance record for EbNaut. Several decodes with Eb/N0 from 3.6dB to 17.9dB. 4K19A 10 chars 2 second symbols. TX 30 Watts to 100m rotated L mean height 15m. |
2015-11-24 | VO1NA | IZ7SLZ | 137776.99968 | 5418.2 | 7 | LF distance record for EbNaut. Eb/N0 = 1.4dB, 8K19A 7 chars 2 second symbols. |
2015-11-15 | IZ7SLZ | DF6NM | 478499.93 | 1059.2 | 22 | First EbNaut 2-way contact using MF. 8K19A 22 chars 0.3 second symbols. Eb/N0 from 2.0 to 15.8dB. |
2015-09-19 | IZ7SLZ | DF6NM | 137502.12 137510.00 | 1059.2 | 21 | First 2-way contact using EbNaut. 8K19A 21 chars, 1 second symbols. Eb/N0 from 1.6 to 11.0dB. |
2015-08-16 | IZ7SLZ | DF6NM | 137502.0126 | 1059.2 | 6 | First successful EbNaut message on LF. 6 chars 8K19A 3 second symbols Eb/N0 = 5.8dB. First coherent BPSK at LF. |
2015-02-08 | W4DEX | N4VLF | 8822 | 254.2 | 40 | Longest VLF message. 40 chars 8K19A 1.5 seconds Eb/N0 = +1.5dB, |
2015-01-07 | DF6NM | Todmorden UK | 8280/8340 | 1028.4 | Path length measurements from group delay. | |
2015-01-01 | W4DEX | Todmorden UK | 8822.000 | 6194.2 | 25 | Longest T/A EbNaut message. 16K25A 25 chars 8 second symbols Eb/N0 = -0.1dB. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/150106a.png https://klubnl.pl/rsgb_lf_group-archives/html/rsgb_lf_group/2015-01/msg00095.html |
2014-12-31 | W4DEX | Todmorden UK | 8822.000 | 6194.2 | 12 | Longest T/A EbNaut message. 16K25A 12 chars 14 second symbols Eb/N0 = +1.0dB https://klubnl.pl/rsgb_lf_group-archives/html/rsgb_lf_group/2015-01/msg00095.html |
2014-12-30 | W4DEX | Todmorden UK | 8822.000 | 6194.2 | 4 | First T/A message west to east. 'EM95'. EbNaut 16K25A 9 seconds Eb/N0 = -0.8dB https://klubnl.pl/rsgb_lf_group-archives/html/rsgb_lf_group/2015-01/msg00095.html |
2014-12-30 | W4DEX | W4GON | 8822.000 | 869.4 | 4 | Distance record in North America for EbNaut. 16K25A 4 chars |
2014-12-29 | W4DEX | N4VLF | 8822.000 | 254.2 | 4 | First use of EbNaut in North America. 16K25A 9 seconds 4 chars. Eb/N0 = 6.3dB. |
2014-12-18 | W4DEX | IK1QFK | 8820.000 | 7173.4 | Distance record for carrier detection. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/141218a.gif http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/141218b.png | |
2014-12-02 | W4DEX | DL4YHF | 8820.000 | 6917.7 | Distance record for carrier detection. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/141202j.gif | |
2014-06-03 | W4DEX | Hawley, Texas | 8971.1000 | 1816.2 | Distance record for carrier detection in N/A. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/sp8971c_vlf25.png http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/w4dex_140603b.gif | |
2014-06-02 | W4DEX | Todmorden UK | 8971.0000 | 6194.2 | First T/A sub-9kHz signal detection west to east. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/w4dex_140602a.gif http://w4dex.com/vlf/8971Hz/ http://www.arrl.org/news/radio-amateur-s-sub-9-khz-vlf-signal-detected-across-the-atlantic | |
2014-05-30 | W4DEX | N4VLF | 8970.1000 | 254.2 | First strong sub-9kHz transmission in North America. Carrier detection at Forest, VA. | |
2014-05-18 | DF6NM | Todmorden UK | 8270.000 | 1028.4 | 14 | First use of 8K25A, 15 second symbols 14 chars. Eb/N0 = -0.4dB. |
2014-05-10 | DF6NM | Todmorden UK | 8270.000 | 1028.4 | 5 | First use of EbNaut at VLF. Two messages, 4K21A 5chars 30 second symbols, Eb/N0 -0.5dB and -1.5dB. |
2014-03-04 | WH2XBA/1 | DF6NM | 29499.0 | 6451.7 | Distance record for T/A carrier detection at VLF. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/29k499_140304_0630.png | |
2014-03-02 | WH2XBA/1 | Todmorden UK | 29499.0 | 5424.7 | First T/A carrier detection at VLF. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/29499_140302c.gif http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/29499_140302f.gif http://www.arrl.org/news/hams-experimental-vlf-signals-heard-in-the-uk-europe | |
2014-01-01 | DF6NM | Todmorden UK | 8970.000 | 1028.4 | OPDS-4H. Record distance for Opera at VLF. -59.1dBOp 100% 16.3dB | |
2013-12-31 | DF6NM | DK7FC | 8970.000 | 175 | OPDS-4H. First use of Opera at VLF. -58.3dBOp 100% 17.0dB. | |
2012-03-25 | DF6NM | OK2BVG | 8970 | 424 | First VLF international QSO. Using MFSK-37 with 30 minute characters. Both sides of the QSO copied in Todmorden, UK. http://www.ok2bvg.cz/firstever/index.html | |
2011-11-27 | DF6NM | Todmorden UK | 8970.002 | 1031.5 | 5 | First MFSK at VLF. Germany to UK. Kite transmission. 5 chars in 25 minutes. MFSK-37 with 300 second characters. |
2011-03-04 | G3XIZ | Todmorden UK | 9090.91006 | 218 | Signal detection, 9.6 sigma in 70uhz, 0.2fT. UK distance record. | |
2011-02-17 | OE5ODL | 4X1RF | 8970.03 | 2478 | First VLF Austria to Israel. OE5ODL with 125m balloon. | |
2011-02-07 | OE5ODL | TF3HZ | 8970.03 | 2766 | First VLF Austria to Iceland. OE5ODL with 80m balloon. | |
2011-02-06 | DK7FC/P | TF3HZ | 8970 | 2404 | Stefan's 10th kite transmission. First VLF into Iceland. Received by 24 stations in 9 countries. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/VLF_DX_DK7FC_10th.png http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/dk7fc_iceland.jpg | |
2010-12-04 | DK7FC/P | 4X1RF | 8970 | 2873 | Stefan's 9th kite transmission. Record VLF ERP of 58mW at 8970. Received by 23 stations in 9 countries. New distance record for carrier detection. http://mkorbit.de/2010/12/05/weltrekord-signalubertragung-auf-einer-langstwelle-vlf/ | |
2010-10-23 | DK7FC/P | EI8JK | 8970 | 1310 | Stefan's 8th kite transmission. New distance record at 8970. DFCW-600. First use of GPS locked transmission. | |
2010-10-23 | DK7FC/P | SQ5BPF | 5170 | 904 | Stefan's 8th kite transmission. First use of 5170 Hz. Received by 6 stations. | |
2010-10-02 | DK7FC/P | SQ5BPF | 8970 | 904 | Stefan's 7th kite transmission. New carrier detection distance record. First VLF signal detection Germany to Poland. | |
2010-08-01 | DK7FC/P | Todmorden UK | 6469.97 | 858.7 | Stefan's 6th kite transmission. First experiments at 6470 Hz. 200m kite elevation. Received by 7 stations. First VLF detection Germany to France F5WK. http://abelian.org/vlf/ss100801/ | |
2010-03-21 | DK7FC/P | IK1QFK | 8970 | 544 | Stefan's 3rd kite transmission. Signals received by 10 stations. First VLF transmission Germany to Italy. http://abelian.org/vlf/ss100321/ | |
2010-03-15 | DK7FC/P | Todmorden UK | 8970.01 | 858.7 | Stefan's 2nd kite transmission. Up to 1.7mW ERP, signal average 1.34fT peak 3.1fT, 6.6 sigma. New detection distance record. http://abelian.org/vlf/tmp/ss100315a.png |
CSV file:
Field separator: tilde
1: Date, quoted string, yyyy-mm-dd;
2: Tags, quoted string, comma separated tags;
3: From, quoted string, callsign(s) or site name;
4: To, quoted string, callsign or site name;
5: Frequenc(ies), quoted string;
6: Distance, numeric, km;
7: Number of characters, numeric;
8: Notes, quoted string, HTML with links;